Our Technical Advices
Metal Property Table
☉ Links to other graphs here under
Thermal expansion factor
metallic fibers melting point
☉ Links to conductive products of TIBTECH
Insulated Thermotech heating yarns
Non insulated heating or resistive yarns
Flexible heating structures from TIBTECH
Conductive materials, metals and stainless steels properties table
Electric conductivity and resistivity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion value, density and melting point

Electric and thermal conductivities
☉ Thermal conductivity
It represents the heat transferred per surface value and per second when a specific thermal gradient is applied.
Its unit is Watt per meter per Kelvin: W.M-1.K-1
☉ Electric conductivity
It is the inverse of the electric resistivity.
The conductivity is the capacity to let the electric current flow. It is the inverse of resistivity.
It is expressed in Siemens : G = 1/R
☉ Thermal or electric conductivity: two closely related notions. (see above chart)
If we change the unit: electric conductivity in 10 (7) S/m (Siemens/m) / thermal conductivity in W/m.K
A very strong link exists … but!
Big difference of total energy transferred.
Reflexivity of the thermal conductivity: cold/hot ≠ electric energy.
Other related Links
☉ Metallic fibers comparative thermal expansion
☉ Metal properties table
☉ Ultra fine multi-filaments yarns, withstanding mechanical bending or fatigue stress, or washing constraints
☉ Insulated conductive or resistive yarns withstanding high temperature constraints, as well as mechanical fatigue due to thermal cycles
☉ Flexible heating structures from TIBTECH